Faculty Development Programme for Computer Science Department

The faculty members of the Department of Computer Science attended a Faculty Development Programme at Codemax IT Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Fatorda, on 20th August 2019, from 3.30 pm to 5.30 pm. This programme was aimed at upgrading the faculty members’ knowledge in the area of tools, technologies, and standards being used in the IT industry. More specifically, the objectives of the FDP were to upskill teachers in the areas of

  • Coding Conventions – General and specific to C, Java, and PHP
  • General documentation Standards
  • Data / Information Standard formats
  • Code Optimization – Re-usability, and some techniques of minimization
  • Code Modularity and Refracting techniques
  • Git Repository

The resource person for the session was the CEO of Codemax, Mr. Mayur Virkar.


During Mr. Virkar’s session, he elaborated upon and explained the following:

  • The need for TDD approach of programming in the curriculum.
  • Coding conventions and standards: He explained the general coding conventions and guidelines and stressed that students should be taught these standards right from beginning. He specifically mentioned the conventions and standards of laravel framework, java, PHP and html.
  • Design Patterns: He explained the concepts and use of factory patterns, factory functions, singleton, abstract class, interface class, hook functions, empty functions, getters and setters.
  • Documentation Standards: The documentation standards and their significance were explained with respect to phpdoc and javadoc. He mentioned that students should be encouraged to document their code right from beginning.
  • Database naming standards: He explained how to name the database, tables, and columns. He suggested the use of soft delete instead of hard delete, to use archive, to always include time created, updated, and deleted column, and to use enumeration in database design.
  • Code optimization: He recommended using the concepts of indexing, reusability, minimization, exceptions or hooks, normalization, naming spacing, application as service and modularity for code optimization.
  • Repositories: He explained the use of repositories (centralized as well as decentralized), versioning system with special mention to Github and semver, 3 levels of versioning (Major, Minor and Patch)
  • He suggested using Linux system (debian, archlinux, server centOS) for teaching.
  • With regards to development methodologies, he explained about development and production environment.

Mr. Virkar also advised the faculty members to increase their typing speed without looking at the keyboard and to consider learning and teaching the concepts of Angular, Vue, and electron JS.

The session concluded at 3.30 pm. The participants thanked Mr. Virkar and his team for providing them the opportunity to learn and understand the concepts in his organization. The session was a great learning experience for all faculty members, who have expressed the desire to participate in similar sessions in the future.

The faculty members who attended were Mr. Sumit Kumar, Ms. Namita Neurenkar, Ms. Sweta P Shet Verenkar, Mr. Bhiku V Bhave, Ms. Surekha Patil and Ms. Akshada Hegde.

Learning to be passed on to students includeCoding conventions and standards, Design Patterns, Documentation Standards, Database naming standards, Code optimization and Use of Repositories
