Faculty Development Programme

IMG_5848The Faculty Development Cell of VVM’s Shree Damodar College of Commerce & Economics conducted a half-day workshop on ‘Writing & Implementing Effective Learning Outcomes’ for the faculty of the college on 23rd June 2018 from 10.00 am to 1.00 pm in the Ganesh Daivajna Auditorium. The resource person for the seminar was Dr. Allan Abreu, Principal of GVM’s Dada Vaidya College of Education, Farmagudi. 49 faculty members of the College participated in the workshop

In her welcome address, the Convener of the Faculty Development Cell Dr. Lira Gama, expressed that Dr. Abreu’s mission is to teach and touch lives. The program began with Mrs. Lydia Menon, Associate Professor, introducing the resource person. The Principal, Dr. Prita D. Mallya, delivered a brief introduction on the topic of the session and the importance of writing learning outcomes correctly.

Dr. Abreu began the session by explaining about Bloom’s Taxonomy and the important components that a learning objective should possess ie the Context, Actor, Behaviour and Degree. Using various examples Dr. Abreu explained how a learning outcome should be written using these four important components.

Dr. Abreu discussed about the triangle of effective learning and highlighted how learning activities, learning outcomes and assessment impact each other in the triangle of effective learning.

Dr. Abreu elaborated about the 3-H’s ie the Head, Heart and Hand which represents the cognitive, affective and connative or psychomotor domains of an individual. He further discussed about the skills in the cognitive domain such as remembering, knowledge / understanding, evaluation, applying, analyzing and creating. Each of these skills was further explained with the correct verbs that can be used for each cognitive skill.

Later, the faculty members were divided into groups based on their subject or area of specialization. Using group discussion, the faculty members were asked to prepare learning objectives for the units in the syllabus. Dr. Abreu was actively involved in the group discussions and guided the faculty in writing learning outcomes correctly. The learning objectives were then presented by a member of each group and the floor was open for discussion.

The programme ended with the vote of thanks proposed by Mrs. Sheryl da Silva, Asst. Professor in Commerce.
