Faculty Development Programme -Session 1

session1The Faculty Development Cell conducted a One-day FDP for teachers of the College on the theme “The Paradox of Teaching & Learning” 30th March 2017. Around 40 teachers attended the said program conducted by Prof. Kiran Budkulay, Retired Professor from Dept. of English, Goa University.

The session was based on experiential learning. The resource person discussed paradoxical issues usually faced in teaching and learning processes. She stressed that good teaching cannot be reduced to technique but comes from the identity and integrity of the teacher and that the essence of education is to help each student to become a unique person by helping him/her to draw out what is hidden within. The speaker highlighted that there exists a perennial paradox in teaching-learning between socialization and personalization and outlined some strategies to deal with them based on her experiences.

The analysis of Feedback reveals that the participants found the session to be ‘very informative’ and ‘inspiring’. More particularly, the participants appreciated the sharing of personal experiences by the resource person.Vice-Principal Dr. Sanjay Dessai welcomed the resource person and the participants. The convener of FDP Cell Dr. Manoj Kamat introduced Dr. Kiran Budkulay and proposed the vote of thanks.
