Exam Committee -Report on a talk for project guidance

A session titled “Selecting a Suitable Topic for TY Projects & Research” was organized by the Exam Committee Project in Charge Dr. Lira Menezes Gama on 25th October, 2021 from 12:15 to 1:15 pm via Microsoft teams. The session was delivered by Shri. Shekhar V. Sawant, Asst. Professor & Head, Department of Commerce, Swami Vivekananda Vidyaprasarak Mandals College of Commerce Borim Ponda, Goa. The session was attended by present TYB.Com students.

The session began with a welcome address by Dr. Rodney D’Silva Vice-Principal, followed by a brief introduction of the speaker by Ms. Luvica Fernandes, a TY B.Com student who was also the compere for the talk. The speaker began by stating the scope of the presentation. He then elaborated on the different issues involved in project completion, right from choosing a topic to the various operating guidelines of assessment.

The topics covered in his demonstration are as follows:-

Choosing a Topic- here he explained how to define a topic which should have a purpose, also to explore potential topics, evaluate them and finally to finalize the topic for the project. Thus confirming that these initial steps will help to start with the research work. Next he spoke about the ethical considerations, which asks for carefully evaluating the potential harm. Also to be cautious about confidentiality, anonymity, plagiarism and misrepresenting the results.

Further in Research Process – he explained problem definition, how to carefully work on research problem, research objectives, and research design data gathering, data analysis, interpretation and presenting the results. He also spoke on Research Proposal, Literature Review, Data Gathering, Sampling Methods, Communicating the Results and Writing the Thesis.

He then proceeded by explaining to the students how to meticulously complete the project work. At the end in operating guidelines, he explained the supervision procedure and project work guidelines. The session ended with question and answer session. The compere proposed the Vote of Thanks.
