“Equity Investment”

The Department of Management in collaboration with Alumni Engagement Cell organized a session on the topic “Equity Investment” as Alumni Reconnect Series III for students of all programmes on 25th October 2022. The Resource Person for the session was ex-student, Ms. Avita Noronha, Advanced Analyst at Ernst and Young. The objective of the session was to provide basic knowledge about equity investment. 103 students attended the session.

Ms. Ismaela Miranda, TY BBA(FS) student, welcomed and introduced the Resource Person. Ms. Avita Noronha began the session by giving a brief introduction of equity investment, Primary and Secondary Markets and pre-requisites we need to consider before purchasing any stock. The speaker did a live demonstration on how to purchase shares through discount brokers and explained useful features of demat account. She showed how to do profit calculations and also explained the various Equity Linked Investment Avenues such as the smallcaps, Mutual Funds, ETFs, Investment in Global Securities.

At the end Ms. Avita Noronha spoke about her journey from a BBA Graduate to a Corporate Life! She addressed the queries raised by the students. The students found the session very informative and beneficial. The session ended with a Vote of Thanks proposed by Ms. Mashuka Rodrigues, a student of TY BBA(FS).
