The videos demonstrated several innovative ideas such as making of edible spoons, wound healing remedies, environmental friendly home decor, preparing natural immunity boosting remedies like mint tea, green tea and traditional herbal kadha, making of onion and egg fertilizer, remedies for headache, identifying medicinal plants and their benefits, making bird house and feeders, cultivating vegetable plants, making disinfectant at home, making paper files, making wall hangings with waste bulbs, recycling of waste material, ideas to aid street dogs and birds, ways to reduce waste, making of homemade beauty products, remedies for cold and cough, creating of green kitchen, growing and taking care of chili plants, etc.
Videos of five students, namely, Ms. Beverly Godinho from FYBBA(FS)-A, Ms. Dwarka Pednekar from FYBBA(FS)-A, Ms. Rania Revadkar from FYBBA(FS)-B, Mr. Darren De Souza from FYBBA(FS)-A and Mr. Rohit Naik from FYBBA(FS)-B, were adjudged as best videos and were uploaded on the College social media platforms. (Facebook and Instagram)
Students were evaluated for this activity under the Environmental Studies course. The intention of this mode of evaluation for an Intra Semester Assessment was to sensitize students towards the environmental betterment. All the students successfully showcased their ideas in an easy, innovative manner. Mr. Kiran Naik, Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies, BBA(FS) Department was the faculty member in charge of conducting the activity.