Energy Conservation: Need of the Hour

The Department of Management organized a session for students on 23rd January 2023,on Energy Conservation: Need of the hour. The objective of the session was to create awareness about using renewable sources of energy in efficient way. The session was organized under the theme ‘GoycheSaiyam-Connecting to Nature.

58 BBA(FS) students and Green Club members participated in the session. The Resource Person was Mr. Abhinav Apte, Founder, Track Change. He is working towards achieving behavioral change to bring about sustainability. The students were given information regarding ways to conserve electricity at home and in the College through live examples and case studies. All the students actively participated in the interaction session with the Resource Person.

The compere of the session was Ms. Simran Sharma (FY BBA(FS) student). The Vote of Thanks was proposed by Ms. Tricia – FYBBA(FS)student. The faculty in-charge of the session was Asst. Prof. Apurva Gauns Desai.
