‘Emotional Intelligence: An Underrated Part of Human Existence’

The P.G. Department of Commerce (M.Com) organized a Session on the topic ‘Emotional Intelligence: An underrated part of Human Existence’ on 13th August, 2022. The Resource Person for the session was Ms. Eshani Bakhle, College Counselor. A total of 24 students from M.Com Part II attended the session.

The main objective of the session was to help students build stronger relationships and achieve their respective career and personal goals. Programme Coordinator Seema Dharani, along with other faculty members, Asst. Prof. Twinkle Fernandes and Asst. Prof. Valencia Baptista attended the session. Ms. Joshila Goes from M.Com-II (Accounting & Finance) welcomed and introduced the Resource Person.

Ms. Eshani commenced the session by explaining the concepts of intelligence quotient and emotional intelligence. She gave a brief description of the key elements of emotions, components of emotional intelligence and human relationships. She made the session lively by engaging participants in the learning process. She conducted activities for the students that enabled the students to understand the importance of managing emotional quotient for developing better learning outcomes and relationships. The various tasks that were conducted are; writing down ten emotions in one minute; two truths and one lie and completing worksheets related to self-awareness. Thereafter, she covered the importance of emotional intelligence at workplace, the types of tests to measure emotional intelligence and the drawbacks of having high emotional intelligence.

The session was very informative and helped the students understand the importance of emotional intelligence and its use in daily life. It also made the students understand how to be aware of one’s personal emotions, how to recognize other’s emotions and respond to them by being non-judgmental, understand non-verbal communication and take decisions with empathy. The session ended at 1:00 p.m. and Mr. Kushal Naik from M. Com II (Business Management) proposed the Vote of Thanks.
