79 UK Battalion NCC, Uttarakhand, organized the EBSB-II camp for all 17 directorates in India from 27th September to 12th October, 2023. The aim of the EBSB-II camp was to celebrate the unity in diversity of our nation, maintain and strengthen the traditionally existing emotional bonds between Cadets from across the country, promote the spirit of national integration, and showcase the rich heritage, culture, customs, and traditions of each State and Union Territory. This engagement aimed to foster a sense of common identity, establish long-term connections, and create an environment that promotes learning by sharing best practices and experiences.

Throughout the camp, Cadets participated in various activities, including volleyball and cultural performances. Karnataka and Goa achieved first place in the cultural activities, specifically the group dance representing Goan culture. The Cadets also attended sessions conducted by Ex NCC Cadets, known as EXPA. These sessions exposed the Cadets to practical training on flood rescue, fire extinguishing, and medical emergencies, including CPR and First Aid.

During the camp, the Cadets had the opportunity to visit Nainital, the Raj Bhavan of Uttarakhand, a mountain-top zoo, and Nainital Lake. They gained insights into the diverse culture of Uttarakhand. The Cadets also took on various duties, such as serving as ‘Santri’ for two hours at night, providing them with a unique and memorable experience.

Cadet Magaj Naik from our institution represented the Karnataka and Goa directorate, being one of the two Cadets from the NCC Naval Wing who attended the camp from Goa and Karnataka. Cadet Magaj Naik was selected after qualifying through interview rounds and undergoing a selection process.
