e-Madhyam: Extension Activity

The Dept. of Computer Science of the College conducted an Extension Activity “e-Madhyam” during the month of March & April 2018. As part of this program, students of SYBCA Div A taught the use of Excel or PowerPoint to one person in their family or neighborhood, who does not already know how to use these tools. A total of 32 students participated in the activity. Students learned to make appointment, prepared lesson plans, and helped the participant complete the lesson. The sessions were recorded live and submitted by the students to be evaluated as their assignment for the lab subject Data Analysis and E-Accounting (DAEA). Many participants appreciated the efforts made by the students and were happy to record their testimonials. Mr Gajanan Nial, who handled the DAEA lab during the semester, coordinated and evaluated the activity. Although initially apprehensive, after completing the activity students expressed a sense of pride for being relevant to the society through the contribution of what they have been learning in their curriculum directly benefiting someone, and are looking forward to more such activities in the future.
