DoPT, GOI Sponsored Training Programme organized by GIPARD on “Issues Relating to Family Welfare”

The DoPT, GOI sponsored training programme on ‘Issues relating to Family Welfare’ was held from 07th to 09th December 2022 from 10.00 am-5.00pm in the Conference Hall, Goa Institute of Public Administration and Rural Development, Ella Farm Old Goa. The aim of the training programme was to impart knowledge to the participants on the various aspects of family welfare for a healthy and happy family.

Day 1 – 7th December 2022

On the first day, Ms. Arlette Mascarenhas, Course Director and Core Faculty- Women’s Development, GIPARD welcomed all the participants and inaugurated the session. She gave a brief overview about the 3 days training programme and discussed its objectives and expected outcomes.

The first session was from 10:15 am – 1:15 pm. The speaker for the session was Dr. Kunda Silimkhan.  Dr. Silimkhan is a retired physician and a yoga practitioner. The topic for the session was ‘Happy Family: Family as protection unit of society’. Dr. Silimkhan introduced the concept of the holistic well-being of the family, the various issues that affect the well-being of a family and discussed various approaches for ensuring a happy and healthy family. Dr. Silimkhan spoke about different ways of managing stress for a healthy family through self-awareness, identifying warning signs, managing time, balancing work and personal life, using assertive communication, making realistic commitments, overcoming co-dependency, and sharing family activities.

The next session was from 2.00 pm – 5.00 pm. The topic for the session was legislative protection for the family (for women, children, and the aged parents) by Adv. Caroline Collaso. The Resource Person briefed the participants on the major provisions of Maintenance & Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act, 2007 and Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act 2005. The grounds for the award of maintenance under these acts were explained as well. At the end of the session, the Resource Person informed the participants about various NGOs, Rehabilitation centres and support groups available in Goa for public assistance.

Day 2 –  8th December 2022

The session on the second day began at 10.00 am. The Resource Person was Dr. Ira Almeida, Rtd. Senior Paediatrician and Ex. Director Public Health DHS. The topic for the session was orientation on disabilities in children (physical, audio, visual etc.) and various schemes for the differently abled.

Dr. Ira’s session mainly focused on maintaining the physical health of the family.  She informed the audience on the difference that exists between disability, impairment and begin handicap. She mentioned the causes of disabilities among children at the prenatal and post-natal stages and further elaborated on the common pre-natal causes of disabilities which are iron deficiency, substance use, lifestyle diseases and stress. The importance of immunization to prevent post-natal disabilities was highlighted as well. Dr. Ira concluded the session by informing the audience about various schemes available to persons with disabilities and NGOs that support the families of persons with disabilities. The session ended at 11.30 am.

The second session for the day was by Dr. Jose Noronha, Faculty SEA SCAN Academy and Faculty Kamaxidevi Homoepathic Medical College, Shiroda. The session commenced at 11.30 am. Dr. Noronha highlighted the importance of maintaining personal health hygiene and the need for education in sanitation. He mentioned some of the effective home remedies to treat common illnesses like flu, diarrhoea, allergy and worm-related infections. The session ended at 3.30 pm.

The third session for the day began at 3.45 pm and the resource person for the same was Ms. Rohini Diniz, Consultant, Nutritionist & Dietician. Dr. Diniz spoke on healthy cooking practices, nutrition and diet at all stages of life. She highlighted the correct methods and techniques of cooking thus maintaining all its nutritional value and enhancing food properties while cooking. The session ended at 5.00pm.

Day 3 – 9th December 2022

The first Resource Person for the session was Dr. Sylvia Mascarenhas, Practicing Psychologist Healthway Hospital. The session commenced at 10.00 am. She spoke about mental health problems and issues of concern affecting families and the different ways to deal with them. She stressed on having effective and regular communication with family members to maintain healthy relationship. Further Dr. Sylvia informed the audience about the impact of these problems on the family and children. The session ended at 1.15 pm. with an exercise on practicing self-care.

The 3-day workshop ended with evaluation and valediction by Ms. Arlette Mascarenhas.  Ms. Pooja Shanbhag, Asst. Prof in Commerce and Ms. Eshani Bakhle College Counsellor attended the session. 33 faculties from various departments / institutions attended the training program. Overall it was a very interesting, beneficial and an informative training programme.
