The Department of Computer Science of the College organised a Digital Poster making competition on the occasion of International Computer Security Day on 30th November 2022.The theme of this poster making competition was to create digital posters that bring awareness to the general public on computer security best practices. This competition was open to students of all institutions of VVM.
There were 16 entries from across the Departments of Shree Damodar College of Commerce & Economics. The winners were announced on 25th January and were given cash prizes of 3000/- for the first place, 1500/- for the second place and 500/- for the third place. All winners and participants were given E-Certificates. The winner for the 1st Place was Mr. Carlon Nick Vaz, student of SYBCA B division, 2nd Place was Ms. Prachi Naik, student of TYB.Voc(ST) and 3rd Place was Mr. Malik Rehan Neglore, SY B.Voc(ST).
The judges for the event were Asst. Prof. Sandesh Gaundalker and Associate Prof. Sharmila Kunde. The coordinators were Ms. Rajlaxmi S. Nair and Mr. Andre Pacheco, Assistant Professors from the Department of Computer Science.