Digital Poster Making Competition

To commemorate ‘Rashtriya Ekta Diwas’, the Value Education Cell of the College organized an online poster making competition from 31st October to 4th November 2022. The theme of the competition was ‘Unity in Diversity’. The students were required to create a digital poster on the theme using any software application. The competition received 12 entries. The winners of the competition were:

First Place: Miss Dimple Tavde from TY B.Com

Second Place: Miss Disha Gaonkar from TY B.Com

Third Place: Miss Sakshi Talaulikar from SY BBA(FS)

The students were judged on the basis of Relevance to the theme, Originality and Creativity. The competition was judged by Dr. Maithili Naik and Ms. Lizette D’Costa. The faculty in-charge of the competition was Asst. Prof. Marjina Shaikh.
