Design Dazzle Showdown- Logo designing competition using Canva

The Techtrendz Club of the Department of Computer Science organized the Design Dazzle Showdown, a logo designing competition using Canva for BCA and B.Voc.(ST) students on 13th January, 2024, from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm in Labs 1 and 3. The competition aimed to foster creativity and encourage design enthusiasts, providing an opportunity for students to showcase their graphic design skills and unleash their artistic potential. The theme for the logo designing competition was “Fitness and Wellness,” and a total of 20 teams, each consisting of 2 participants, participated in the event.

The judging criteria included creativity, design excellence, reference to the theme, and originality. Mr. Sandesh Gaundalker, a Communication Designer (Graphics & Animation) and also visiting faculty of the Department, served as the judge for the competition. The winners of the logo designing competition were as follows:

1st Place: Yash Naik & Ashish Mathkar (students of SY BCA – B)

2nd Place: Khushal Naik & Hayden Teixeira (students of FY B.Voc.(ST))

3rd Place: Apsara Ghorasaini & Shrawya Shetty (students of SY BCA – B)

Mr. Jayden Jesus Fernandes, a member of the Multimedia Group and a student from SY BCA- B, served as the student coordinator for the Design Dazzle Showdown competition. Ms. Vinaya Kirloskar, Assistant Professor in Commerce, was the teacher in-charge of the competition. Lab Assistants Ms. Preeti Dhoble and Ms. Manisha Braganza played crucial roles, offering their valuable assistance throughout the event. Ms. Annette Santimano, Assistant Professor in Computer Science is the incharge of TechTrendz Club. The competition was appreciated and enjoyed by all the participants.
