Creative Thinking Workshop

The Department of Computer Science in association with Institution’s Innovation Council organized a 40-hour workshop on “Creative Thinking” from 06th to 10th March and from 20th to 25th March. The objectives of this workshop were:
  • To impart learning of the Creative Thinking course to SY BVoc(ST) students in an interactive, activity-based manner
  • To provide advanced-learners of other programmes an opportunity to learn and explore a range of creative thinking methods, tools and techniques to generate ideas and solve problems.

The Resource Person for the workshop was Ms. Caroline Stewart Silva, Corporate & Life Skills Trainer and proprietor of Impact Training Solutions. 18 SY B.Voc.(ST) students and 07 advanced learners of other programmes participated in the workshop.

The Workshop began at 8.30 am with the welcome address by IQAC Coordinator Dr. Lina Sadekar and IIC Convenor Dr. Rodney D’Silva. HoD of Computer Science Mr. Sumit Kumar briefed students about the workshop and its objectives, after which SY B.Voc(ST) student Mr. Malik Rehan introduced the Resource Person.

On day 1, Ms. Caroline Silva commenced the workshop with the introduction of the participants followed by introduction of creative thinking persona and attitudes. She introduced the process of creative and lateral thinking along with problem solving, perceptual choice, sharp divisions and polarizations.

Day 2 started with lateral thinking techniques along with activities. She introduced the QUOTA technique and the generation of alternatives to the participants. Activities were conducted using problems and examples based on geometrical, non-geometrical, pictorial and written materials/ stories.

Day 3 focused upon the concept and activities based on Challenging Assumptions. Participants enthusiastically participated in all the group and individual activities.

On Day 4, participants learnt about Innovation, Suspended Judgement and Design with the help of examples and activities. Days 5 & 6 focused upon the Design Thinking Process and the activities were conducted using the SCAMPER concept. The concepts and techniques relating to empathy, user centricity, observation, dominant ideas and crucial factors were also discussed.

Participants learnt and performed activities on fractionation, reversal method and brainstorming on Day 7 of the workshop. On the concluding day of the workshop, the concepts of six thinking hats, mind mapping and analogies were introduced through activities. Participants also learnt about random stimulation and the difference between “NO” and “PO”. The learning of the workshop was assessed by the trainer through a group presentation. All the participants were asked to present the solution to the selected problem in group.

During the Valedictory session, Principal Prof. Prita D. Mallya thanked the Resource Person and asked the participants to identify atleast one problem on the College Campus and come up with some creative solution by 20th of April 2023.

The overall feedback for the session was positive and encouraging. Participants have suggested organizing similar workshops in the areas of Personality Development, Research Methodology, how to Multitask, Machine Learning, Innovation, etc. In their feedback, approximately, 64% students mentioned that this workshop has met their expectation level and all participants agreed that their thinking ability has improved significantly. This workshop was well received by the students and e-certificates were issued to them post-completion.
