‘Creative Advertising-A for Idea’

The PG Department of Commerce organized a session on ‘Creative Advertising- A for Idea’ on 14th November 2022. The Resource Person for the session was Mr. Prasad Deshpande, Co-Founder & Creative Director at Goa Bylane. A total of 51 M.Com students attended.

Mr. Deshpande commenced the session with a display of his biodata in a creative way and spoke about his working experience. Thereafter, he explained how to develop ideas and covered aspects like thinking different, anatomy of an Idea, and how to make ideas useful to clients. He elaborated upon what constitutes an idea – it may be a visual, thought, piece of image, music, or painting. Then he went on to explain the key points of difference between innovation, invention and discovery.

Mr. Deshpande played an old advertisement of Honda to explain how the sound of car can be visualized and in a unique manner made into an adfilm. He surprised the students by stating that “it is important to awaken the thief in you” – by this he meant we can take ideas from various sources. We have always thought that a coin has two sides, but students were amazed when Mr. Deshpande said that “every coin has three sides”, he cited various examples to justify his statement. He posed three questions to support his points. What do clients want? What do customers perceive? And what do we interpret as an ideation?

Mr. Prasad also discussed about how and where to begin with the process of ideation, and covered the various steps to be followed in the ideation process. Mr. Prasad spoke about ‘rules to break rules’ by thinking out of the box. Mr. Prasad went on to explain how to sell a washing machine using tube lights, by which he meant that one should explore beyond the conventional sources. He suggested ways to achieve this by thinking rapidly, knowing the product well and not repeating it. Mr. Deshpande addressed questions from the audience.

The Vote of Thanks was proposed by Yash Prabhu student of M.Com-II (Business Management).
