Counseling Cell Orientation

The Counseling Cell of the College organized an orientation program for newly admitted students of all the programmes from 11th to 27th July 2023. The objective of the orientation was to create awareness on mental health problems and inform students about Counseling services provided to them by the College. The speaker for the orientation was Ms. Eshani Bakhle, College Counselor.

The speaker began the session by imparting knowledge to the students about the indicators of good mental health, the various professions involved in the field of mental health, and providing a brief overview of mental illnesses. In an effort to raise awareness about mental health, the speaker also debunked common myths associated with mental health problems. During the session, the common mental health problems faced by students were discussed, allowing the students to gain a deeper understanding of the challenges they or their peers might encounter.  The speaker proceeded to inform the students about the array of services provided by the Counseling Cell, which encompassed individual counseling sessions, joint sessions, career guidance, and various mental health-related activities organized by the Cell.  The Counselor emphasized the significance of confidentiality and autonomy in the Counseling process.

She explained the step-by-step process of Counseling, which involved exploring the client’s case history, assisting the students in coping with their difficulties, employing action or thought-based techniques, developing an action plan, and determining the number of sessions required for effective support. Notably, the students were informed that all Counseling sessions provided by the College are offered free of cost, ensuring accessibility to the necessary help and guidance.

At the end, the students were guided on recognizing when to seek help for mental health concerns.
