Consumer Awareness Drive

On the occasion of World Consumer Rights Day on 15th March, the Consumer Cell of the College took up a Consumer Awareness Drive to create awareness among the people about the rights and duties of the consumers. The Consumer Cell Convenor, Asst. Prof. Sheryl Sanches and 14 B.Com students participated in the drive.

The student volunteers prepared several charts artistically portraying the rights and duties of the customers and enthusiastically visited more than 40 households in Comba, Margao. The students and faculty explained the various consumer rights such as the right to choose, right to safety, right to be informed, right to consumer education, right to be heard, right to seek redressal and the Consumer Protection Act. Students used relevant examples to explain these rights.

The Consumer duties and responsibilities i.e., be honest with the information you provide, know how to make a complaint, use the product or service in keeping with the terms and conditions, avoiding risk etc. were also explained by the students.

The activity was appreciated by the households and they took keen interest in understanding the various rights and duties. The community encouraged the students to take up initiatives to solve the issues of the society such as garbage disposal and traffic management.
