Community Outreach Programme

The Department of Commerce and Management organized a Community Outreach Programme at Stepping Stones – Child Day Care and Rescue Centre, (El Shaddai Charitable Trust) Malbhat, Margao on 23rd March 2019.  The topic for the programme was Importance of Child Education. Around 45 children from the day care centre were present for the same. Four students from SYBCOM and five students from TYBCOM volunteered to be a part of this programme. The purpose of the outreach programme was to provide an opportunity to the students to interact with the children of the day care centre, who come from underprivileged backgrounds – some of them are orphans and street children.

There were three activities that were planned. In the first activity the College students spoke about the importance of education in our life and the need for elementary education. The students also screened a short film to create awareness on child education. In the second activity various games were organised to motivate and entertain the children. The third activity comprised of a simple quiz on current affairs and general knowledge. Prizes were awarded to the winners of the quiz. The children were also given an opportunity to perform and showcase their talents. The children were very excited to perform; their response was overwhelming. The children were offered a packet of snacks at the end of this activity.

The learning outcome of this activity is that the students definitely learnt to be understanding and patient towards kids who come from an underprivileged background. They also realized how fortunate they are to live in such a comfortable environment with all amenities. Thus, the activity aimed to give back to the community by sharing our time and talents in making good things happen. Our students enjoyed being with the children and had a smile on their face and a sense of satisfaction after conducting this programme. Overall, this community outreach programme was a great success.

The entire programme was planned and executed by the students under the guidance of the faculty member Ms. Pooja Shanbhag, Asst.Professor in Commerce.

The Department of Commerce and Management organized a Community Outreach Programme at Stepping Stones – Child Day Care and Rescue Centre, (El Shaddai Charitable Trust) Malbhat, Margao on 23rd March 2019.  The topic for the programme was Importance of Child Education. Around 45 children from the day care centre were present for the same. Four students from SYBCOM and five students from TYBCOM volunteered to be a part of this programme. The purpose of the outreach programme was to provide an opportunity to the students to interact with the children of the day care centre, who come from underprivileged backgrounds – some of them are orphans and street children.

There were three activities that were planned. In the first activity the College students spoke about the importance of education in our life and the need for elementary education. The students also screened a short film to create awareness on child education. In the second activity various games were organised to motivate and entertain the children. The third activity comprised of a simple quiz on current affairs and general knowledge. Prizes were awarded to the winners of the quiz. The children were also given an opportunity to perform and showcase their talents. The children were very excited to perform; their response was overwhelming. The children were offered a packet of snacks at the end of this activity.

The learning outcome of this activity is that the students definitely learnt to be understanding and patient towards kids who come from an underprivileged background. They also realized how fortunate they are to live in such a comfortable environment with all amenities. Thus, the activity aimed to give back to the community by sharing our time and talents in making good things happen. Our students enjoyed being with the children and had a smile on their face and a sense of satisfaction after conducting this programme. Overall, this community outreach programme was a great success.

The entire programme was planned and executed by the students under the guidance of the faculty member Ms. Pooja Shanbhag, Asst.Professor in Commerce.
