“Commerce Carnival”

The Department of Commerce and Management organized Commerce Carnival on Commerce Education Day on 10th November 2020. As a part of the celebration, the Department organized two sessions followed by a quiz on Commerce-related topics.

The first session wasimage 3 on the topic “Understanding Capital Markets”. Mr. Purv Shah, Stock Market Consultant and Financial Market Trainer was the resource person for the said session. Principal Prof. Prita D Mallya welcomed the virtual gathering.

Dr. Shami Pai, Head, Department of Commerce and Management briefed the participants about Commerce Carnival and Dr. Maithili Naik introduced the resource person. Mr. Purv Shah commenced the session by explaining the term ‘trade’ and how stock market trading has transformed from the traditional outcry system to the efficient, quick technological online platform that we see today. Mr. Shah threw light on the different types of securities traded in the stock market. He briefly explained the various terms that are used in stock market trading. Through a presentation, he explained how trading takes place and briefed the audience about the significance of different colors used in the stock market transactions. His use of real world examples made the session very interesting and easy to understand. The session received an overwhelming response, with 155 participants attending the session through Google Meet platform and the College YouTube channel. After the Q& A session, Dr. Edwin Barreto, B.Com coordinator gave his concluding remarks. Ms. Preksha Chopdekar compered the session. Dr. Maithili Naik and Ms. Preksha Chopdekar were the teachers in charge for session.

The title of the Session II was “Business Finance: Challenges and Opportunities”, and the Resource Person was CA. Pankaj Pai Kakode, ex-student of the College. The session began with a welcome address by Principal Prof. Prita D Mallya.

Dr.  Shami Pai, Head, Department of Commerce and Management briefed the students about the Commerce Carnival and Ms. Melissa Fernandes introduced CA. Pankaj Pai Kakode. CA. Kakode started the session by explaining the term business finance and listing its components. He briefed the participants about the various challenges faced in procuring finance and the different factors that the business must evaluate for selecting debt and equity capital.  He also gave some real life examples of different companies, the difficulties these companies faced in raising finance and how they managed to raise the funds. Ms. Marjina Shaikh, Dr. Madanant Naik, Ms. Namarta Haldankar and Ms. Melissa Fernandes were the teachers in charge for the session. Ms. Namrata Haldankar compered the session. Dr. Edwin Barreto, B.Com Coordinator gave the concluding remarks at the end of the session. 91 participants attended the session through Google Meet and the College YouTube channel.

Commerce Quiz

As part of the Commerce Day celebration, the Dept. of Commerce organized an online Commerce Quiz for students. The link to the quiz was kept open from November 10th to 18th 2020 and 93 students answered the quiz. The quiz had questions from areas such as Accounting, Economics and Management. Participants scoring more than 60% received e-certificates. Ms. Marjina Shaikh, Ms. Namrata Haldankar, Ms. Anupama Gaonkar and Ms. Daksha Kunkolienker were the teachers in charge of the quiz.

The Commerce Carnival received a very good response from students. Asst. Professors Dr. Maithili Naik and Ms. Muktali Cuncoliencar were the coordinators for the event.
