Commemoration of 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi

To commemorate the 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi on 2nd October 2020, the NSS Unit of the College conducted the following activities.

  1. Quiz on Mahatma Gandhi-his life & works:

An online Quiz on the Life and Beliefs of Mahatma Gandhi was organized for the volunteers on 1st October 2020. A total of 68 volunteers participated in the activity.

  1. 2km PLOG

NSS Volunteers and 1 NSS PO participated in Fit India Plog Run. The participants covered a distance of 2 kms and picked up trash along the route while jogging. A total of 12 volunteers participated in this activity.

  1. Poster Making and sharing to create awareness in the community:

A Digital Poster competition was also organised as part of the Closing event of Commemoration of 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi.

Theme: Awareness Campaign for better Sanitation Practices

Suggested Topics under the theme were:  Cleanliness in surroundings/ Do not Litter/ Wash your hands regularly/ Importance of Hygiene / Stop Open defecation- Use Toilets

Volunteers made posters, which they then circulated through social media for awareness. The 5 best posters were selected and shared with almost 2000 people. A total of 36 volunteers participated in the activity.
