Chess Intramural (Mix) – Men & Women

The Department of Physical Education and Sports organised Chess Mix Intramural Tournament on 14th July & 15th July 2023, in the Activity Hall of G. R. Kare College of Law from 12:15 pm onwards. A Total 52 students, both Men & Women participated in this tournament. The tournament began with a briefing of the game’s rules by Dr. Ajinkya Kudtarkar, the College Director of Physical Education & Sports.

The tournament followed a knockout format, and the fixtures were determined by a random draw. All preliminary round matches were played of 5 minutes each by every player. The semifinals and finals were played of 10 Minutes each by every player.

The winners of the Chess Intramural tournament are:

Name of the Player Position
Mr. Grantik Buyao 1st Place
Mr. Soham Gharse 2nd Place
Mr. Shahid Almelkar 3rd Place

The event ended with a Vote of Thanks proposed by Mr. Saurabh Raikar, Instructor in Physical Education.
