Unity Chain @ShreeDamodar

The NSS Unit organised Unity Chain at the College on 31st October, 2022 from 11:30 am onwards in the College Campus. The significant aspect of the activity was that every individual from the College viz. Principal, teachers, students, non-teaching staff, MTS staff and guards participated in the activity. The splendid show of everyone holding hands […]

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Achieversof Inter-Collegiate Taekwondo Championship (Men &Women) 2022-2023

Mr. Omkar Verlekar from FY BBA(FS) participated in All Goa Inter-Collegiate Taekwondo Championship 2022-2023 organized by Goa University and won Silver Medal in upto & incl. 58 kg weight category.     Mr. Uddhav Pai Talkatkar from FY BBA(FS) participated in All Goa Inter-collegiate Taekwondo Championship (Men) 2022-2023 organized by Goa University and won Bronze […]

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National Participation in Sports

Mr. Deep Kasvankar, a Student of FY B.Com was selected as Captain to represent GCA U-19 Cricket Team (Men) at Vinoo Mankad Trophy held at Pune from 7th to 14th October 2022.     Mr. Sanath Nevgi, a student of FY B.Com was selected to represent GCA U-19 Cricket Team (Men) at Vinoo Mankad Trophy, […]

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Achievers of Inter-Collegiate Championship 2022-2023

Mr. Alton Almeida from FY B.COM participated in All Goa Inter-collegiate Weightlifting & Powerlifting Championship 2022-2023 organized by Goa University and won Gold Medal in Weightlifting upto& incl. 55 kg weight category and silver medal in powerlifting upto& incl. 59 kg weight category.   Mr. Vedank Raut Dessai from SY BCA participated in All Goa […]

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Unity Run

The Department of Physical Education & Sports and NSS unit of the College organized Unity Run, on 31st October 2022 from 8.00 am to 9.30 am. Unity Run was organized to celebrate Rashtriya Ekta Diwas on the birth anniversary of Sardar Vallabhai Patel and to spread the message of National unity among the youth. The […]

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Field Trip to Rasraj Farm

The Department of Commerce & Management organised a Field Trip to Rasraj Farms, Mollem, Goa on 29th October 2022 as a part of the courses – Entrepreneurship Development & New Venture Planning. The objective of the field visit was to provide experiential and contextualized understanding of practical aspects in the area of entrepreneurship. The fieldtrip […]

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Investor Hub Activity-Innovative Product Advertising

The Department of Management organized Investor Hub activity “Innovative Product Advertising” for the students of FY, SY and TY BBA(FS) on 29th October 2022. FY BBA students came up with innovative products that they had to pitch based on four major aspects -Benefits of the product, Unique selling point, target audience and pricing of the […]

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Guest Session on ‘Management of Working Capital’

The PG Department of Commerce organized a Guest Session on the topic ‘Management of Working Capital’ on 29th October 2022. The Resource Person for the session was Mr. Suraj Dessai, Finance Manager, Danlaw Electronics Assembly Limited, Verna Industrial Estate. The main objective of the session was to provide practical insights of working capital management. Ms. […]

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TechTrendz Activity – Logo Design Competition

The Future Skills Group of TechTrendz Club of the Department of Computer Science of the College organized a Logo Design Competitionfor its BCA and B.Voc.(ST) students. The online competition was released on 29th October 2022. The theme for the logo was Tech week 2023. The brochure for the competition was designed by Mr. Prithvi Shirodkar […]

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Poster Competition on “Fight Cancer”

The Women’s Cell of the College organized a poster competition on the theme “Fight Cancer” on 29th October 2022 from 11:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. 04 teams i.e. 09 students participated in the competition. The objective was to create awareness on Breast cancer, since October is observed as Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The participants were […]

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