Artsy Streetography: A street photography competition

The TechTrendz Club of the Department of Computer Science organized Artsy Streetography, a photography competition for the students of BCA and B.Voc.(ST) from 20th to 25th January 2024 in online mode. The primary goal was to assess their photography skills, adhering to the theme “Street Photography”. Participants had to send their photos to the organizing […]

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U. N. Bene Quiz Competition

The Cultural Council organised the U. N. Bene Quiz competition on 24th January 2024 at the Conference Hall of Ravindra Bhavan. The Quiz competition began at noon and concluded at 2 pm.  The Quiz Masters for the competition were Mr. Anish Dhopeshwarkar and Mr. Suraj Kamat. Nine colleges participated in the quiz, which began with […]

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NSS Adventure Camp in Dharmashala, Himachal Pradesh

The National Service Scheme (NSS) Adventure Camp held at Atal Bihari Vajpayee Institute of Mountaineering & Allied Sports (ABVIMAS), Dharmashala, Himachal Pradesh proved to be an enriching and transformative experience for 20 students selected from various colleges in Goa, including two students from Shree Damodar College of Commerce & Economics. The camp started on 14th […]

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Student Participation in “IT fest COLOSSUS XI”

The Department of Computer Science participated in the State level Intercollegiate IT Fest “COLOSSUS XI” organized by Don Bosco College, Panaji on 19th and 20th January 2024. 19 students from the Department participated in the event. There were diverse range of events like Ice Breaker, Teck Talk, IOT-Expo, Let’s Rescrap, Debate, Bugzilla, Smarticus, Verbal Vortex, […]

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Food Bazaar

The Department of Computer Science in association with E-Cell and Incubation Centre, organized a Food Bazaar on 18th and 19th January 2024. This event served as a platform for showcasing entrepreneurial spirit and was part of the Entrepreneurship Development course. Food and game stalls were set up, offering attendees a wide array of savory and […]

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National Youth Week

The National Service Scheme (NSS) unit in collaboration with the Directorate of Sports & Youth Affairs, Directorate of Higher Education, Directorate of Technical Education, Directorate of Planning Statistics & Evaluation, and Directorate of Information and Publicity, marked the celebration of National Youth Week on 19th January 2024. The event aimed to enlighten and empower the […]

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M.Com Programme Promotion and GU-ART Orientation

The Post Graduate Department of Commerce conducted GU-ART Orientation for TY B.Com students of five colleges. The main objective of this activity was to provide necessary guidance to TY B.Com students with respect to preparation for GU-ART Exam and to promote the M.Com programme offered at our College. No. Name of the College Date Time […]

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Waste Segregation

The Department of Management Studies and the Green Club (Vasundhara) of the College in association with YIMBY organized a session on “Waste Segregation” on 18th January 2024 at 11:30 am in Hall no.2. The session focused on educating participants about the importance of waste segregation and providing practical insights into implementing effective waste disposal strategies.  […]

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The Department of Library & Information Science in collaboration with Navkar Book Distributors, Mumbai organized Book Exhibition for all the students and staff members on 18th January, 2024 from 10.00 am to 2.00 pm in the Reading Room. The Book Exhibition was inaugurated by Dr. Edwin Brahma Barreto, Vice Principal of the College. Books were […]

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Hands-on workshop on “Artificial Intelligence”

The TechTrendz Club of the Department of Computer Science organized a hands-on workshop titled “Artificial Intelligence” using Free Open-Source Software (FOSS), on 17th January, 2024 in Classroom F101 from 10.30 am to 12:30 pm. The Resource Person was Mr. Sandesh Gaundalker, Visual Designer and Illustrator. 26 students of FY B.Voc.(ST) participated in the workshop. The […]

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