Student Seminar

The Commerce Club of the Department of Commerce & Management organized a Virtual Student Seminar cum Paper Presentation Competition from 8.30 am on 23rd June 2021 via Google Meet platform. The theme of the Seminar was “Impact of COVID-19 on the Indian Economy”  Sub themes: Education Tourism and Hospitality Banking and Finance Industry Any other […]

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Guest Lecture

The Post-Graduate Department of Commerce organized an online Guest Lecture in the subject of Working Capital and Dividend Decisions for M.Com Part I and Part II students on 23rd June 2021 from 12.00 noon to 1:00 pm on the Google Meet platform. The Resource Person for the session was Ms. Abhija Narvekar, ex-student of the […]

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Eco Week 2.0

The Economics Club of the Department of Economics & Banking organized ‘Eco Week 2.0’ from 10th to 12th May 2021with the last two events postponed to 21st and 22nd June due to the announcement of vacation from May 11 to June 7. Keeping in mind the pandemic situation, Eco Week 2.0 was an online event […]

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Session on “Gender Sensitivity”

The Life Skills Committee organized a virtual session on the topic “Gender Sensitivity” for First Year B.Com students on 22nd June 2021 from 12:20 to 01:30 pm via Google Meet platform. The objective of the session was to sensitize the students on gender issues and to create awareness about the actions that constitute sexual harassment […]

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7th International Yoga Day Celebrations

The Department of Physical Education and Sports, National Service Scheme-NSS and NCC Army & Navy Wings jointly organized 7th International Day of Yoga from 19th to 21st June 2021 for the Staff & Students. The theme of International Day of Yoga, 2021 was “Yoga for Well-being”. Yoga is a trend that has been flourishing since […]

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Shree Damodar College Staff on COVID-19 Duty

When the second wave of the pandemic was at its peak 12 staff members of Shree Damodar College were posted on COVID-19 duty by DHE under section 65 of Disaster Management Act, 2005 from 06th May till 14th June. The staff members were allotted duties at the Private Hospitals, Vaccination centers and Call centers. Following […]

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Quiz on Women’s Health Awareness

On the occasion of Women’s Health Month (observed in May), the College Counseling Cell organized an online quiz on Women’s Health Awareness. Many of us are unaware of the different healthcare issues that women face throughout their lifetime. The main aim of the quiz was to create awareness about women’s health among students, staff and the […]

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Environment Day Activity – Creation of ‘Do It Yourself!’ Videos for Environment Protection

Fifty FY BBA(Financial Services) students created ‘Do It Yourself Videos!’ demonstrating innovative practices that can be of immense importance for reducing environmental degradation. These practices can be executed at home and can prove to be very beneficial towards protecting the environment.  The BBA(FS) Department carried out this extension activity on 05th June, 2021, on the […]

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