Career Opportunities for a Cost and Management Accountant in the Corporate Sector

The Career Cell in association with The Institute of Cost Accountants of India -Goa Chapter, organized a comprehensive session on the topic ‘Opportunities for a Cost and Management Accountant in the Corporate Sector’ on 19th August 2023 from 9.00 am to 10.00 am.  The session was facilitated by CMA Shameem Memon. The session aimed to provide valuable insights in the field of cost and management accounting, the benefits of pursuing the CMA course, important job roles and the diverse range of career paths available to CMA professionals. Ms. Pooja Shanbhag, Convenor of the Career cell welcomed the Resource person and addressed the gathering. Ms. Ananya Savalgi, student of T.Y B.Com. introduced the Resource Person to the audience.

The session began with an overview of the ICAI institute and its objectives, chapter networks, core strengths of a CMA profession, significance of cost and management accounting in business decision-making, and how CMA differs from other forms of accounting. Ms. Shameem elaborated on the numerous benefits of becoming a CMA, including enhanced career opportunities, higher earning potential and the ability to contribute strategically to the organizations success. She also discussed the rigorous curriculum, salient features of the course, eligibility criteria, training requirements, fee structure, examination pattern, scholarships and financial aids available to the students.

A significant part of the session was dedicated to exploring various career pathways that CMAs can pursue. The speaker shared real-world examples of CMAs who have excelled in these roles and made significant contributions to various organizations.

Ms. Shameem provided insights into the industries that highly value CMAs, such as finance, healthcare, manufacturing, technology, and more. Participants gained a better understanding of how CMAs play a pivotal role in these industries by providing valuable financial insights and contributing to effective decision-making. The speaker explained the resources available for the registered students to stay updated with the latest industry trends, regulations, and best practices, including networking events, workshops, and online courses. She spoke about the student connect portal, campus placement initiatives, and other value added services provided by the institute.

Participants had the opportunity to ask questions and clarify their doubts about the CMA course. Thus, the session was successful in enlightening the participants about the growing demand for CMAs in various industries due to their expertise in financial planning, analysis, and strategic decision-making. The session ended at 10.00 am with the Vote of Thanks proposed by Dr. Sheetal Arondekar. 40 interested students attended the session and found it to be very informative.
