Career Guidance Session

The Career and Placement Cell organized a talk on the topic “Path to be a CEO, Career Mapping for the next 5 years”on December 12th, 2019 from 11:00 am to 1:00 p.m.The Resource person for the session was Mr. Nilesh Sarawate, CEO of IEIBS AKADEMIA. Apart from his current position, he is also an Adjunct Faculty of Economics at the SP Jain School of Management, Mumbai since its inception.

The objective of the talk was to make students aware about the different career options available after their graduation and which option has the least risk involved.

Mr. Sarawate enlightened the students about the risks arising out of choosing the wrong career option. He explained that the concept of Risk management is a hallmark of Akademia. After the formal session the speaker and his associates conducted one to one counselling sessions for interested students. 69 students attended the session, which was very interactive and informative.
