Career Guidance programme of Mahila Mandal Margao

The faculty members of BBA(FS) Department of VVM’s Shree Damodar College of Commerce & Economics made a presentation of the BBA(FS) programme at the Career guidance programme organised by Mahila Mandal Margao in association with Parvatibai Chowgule College of Arts and Science Margao for school students on 19th August at 9.30am.

The programme commenced with the welcome by Mrs. Ranjita Pai, followed by a welcome speech of Dr. Nandakumar Sawant, the guest of honor of the day and a speech by Shri Pramod Pathak, the chief guest of the programme.

The programme included a series of sessions with brief presentations of different colleges that aimed to give the students an exposure in the multiple fields of education for making their best career choice. The sessions highlighted the importance of knowing one’s potential and the subject of interest and also stressed on the how important it is to select the right combination of subjects.

The faculty members of VVM’s Shree Damodar College Margao shared information about the various academic programmes offered and elaborated more about the unique specialization of three years Goa University affiliated BBA(Financial Services) programme. They also gavemore insights about the various extra-curricular activities, sports excellence, club activities and extension activities of the college and BBA(FS) programme.

A few parents and a total of 84 students from 15 schools attended the programme. The sessions were very informative and enriching for students as well as parents. The programme ended at 1.30p.m.
