Career Counselling Programme for Budding Entrepreneurs

The Career Cell, Placement Cell, Institution’s Innovation Council, E-Cell & DIC in collaboration with Business Network International (BNI) Foundation organized a Career Counselling Programme for Budding Entrepreneurs for the students of B.Com, BBA(FS) and M.Com on 20th October 2022. The Resource Persons for the session were five successful entrepreneurs in Goa i.e. Mr. Mudit Agarwal – Advaitaa Group, Mr. Arman Bankley – Armines Industries, Mr. Pravin Kakode– Upgrade-Kakode Trading LLP, Ms. Richa Goyal – Happy Earth and Mr. Yogendra Karmali – Shiven Wealth Advisors

Ms. Abha Naik, student from FY B.Com C, the compere for the session, welcomed the Resource Persons and the participants. Dr. Edwin Barreto, Vice-Principal of the College addressed the gathering and encouraged the students to grab the opportunity and gain as much knowledge and wisdom from the dynamic entrepreneurs invited for the session.

Mr. Dishant Naik, student from FY B.Com B, introduced the first Resource Person, Mr. Arman Bankley, Director of Armines Industries- Manufacturing & Exports of Cement Blocks, RMC, Plaster, etc. Mr. Bankley highlighted the importance of having an idea that stands out and encouraged the students to have a definite goal in mind. From his personal experience he relayed the struggles he went through in building his company.

Mr. Shahid Shaikh, student from FY B.Com C introduced the second Resource Person, Mr. Pravin Kakode, Upgrade – Kakode Trading LLP – Manufacturing & Trading of Complete Building Materials. Mr. Kakode, who is an ex-student of the College, shared his struggles right from completing his MBA to setting up his own business with the limited knowledge that he had and a passion to have his own identity.

Ms. Inara Fernandes, student from SY BBA(FS) introduced the third speaker for the day, Mr. Yogendra Karmali, Financial Advisor – Mutual Funds at Shiven Wealth Advisors. Mr Karmali narrated how he stood out in his class by choosing commerce over science and decided to explore the mutual fund sector. Today his company has a good reputation among the wealth advisors and to reach this height he has done extensive study of the Indian markets and analysed the needs, objectives and risk appetites of Indians and especially Goans.

Ms. Milosha Coutinho introduced the fourth speaker, Mr. Mudit Agarwal, Advaitaa Group- Industrial Supplies – Capital Equipments.  Mr. Agarwal is an alumnus of VVM’s Shree Damodar College. He narrated his journey from being a model during his college days to being off-campus due to his active participation in games and to being a successful entrepreneur. He also shared some tips on time management with the students for maintaining a work life balance.

Ms. Nisha Chauhan, student from FY B.Com C introduced the fifth Resource Person for the session, Ms. Richa Goyal, Happy Earth – Eco-friendly Home & Lifestyle Products. She shared her story from being an average housewife to a successful entrepreneur. She explained her idea of using eco-friendly materials for gardening and potting plants and how it led to the creation of a multipurpose material which is used as a house essential for both indoor and outdoor decorations.

At the end of each session the speakers addressed the queries raised by the students. It was an informative and enlightening programme. The students gave positive feedback about the programme. Ms. Looluwa Gundar a student from FY B.Com-C proposed the Vote of Thanks. A total of 112 students attended the session.
