Career Counselling Programme

The Career Cell of the College organised a Career Counselling Programme for the First-Year students of all programmes on Friday, 19th August 2022 in Room No. 215 (Old Block). The session began at 12.15 p.m. Ms. Prerna Sanvordekar, Student from F. YB. Com-C, welcomed all the students for the session. Ms. Aksheta Naik, Student from F. YB. Com-C introduced the Resource Person for the session. Mr. Prasad P. Navelkar, Head of Business Development was invited as the Resource Person for the session.

Mr. Navelkar, informed the students about the various career options in the field of Commerce. He made the students aware about the various career opportunities in India as well as abroad. Mr. Navelkar guided the students on selecting the Career, considering the interest of the students and future job prospects. Sir also guided the students upon the various management skills, business skills, inter-personal skills, personal skills, etc. that are required to be employable.

Mr. Navelkar addressed to all the queries of the students. Altogether, 61 students attended this session. Ms. Sushrusha Naik Khandekar, Asst. Professor in Commerce, proposed the Vote of Thanks.
