Career Choices in Offbeat Tourism

The Department of Management Studies in association with the Career Cell organized a Guest Lecture on Career Choices in Offbeat Tourism forthe students across various programmes on 15th September 2023 at 11:00 a.m. in the Smart Classroom. The lecture aimed to provide the students with a learning opportunity and to enlighten students about the vast opportunities and potential in this emerging sector.

The compère Ms. Alita Fernanades welcomed the guest, faculty members and participants. The Resource Person for this session was Mr. Varun Hegde, Founder of Soul Travelling who is highly recognized for his extensive background in offbeat tourism and his passion for promoting sustainable travel in Goa. The session commenced with an introduction of the guest by Mr. Sunil Danappanavar Fernandes.

The guest speaker addressed and captured the attention of the eager audience. Mr. Hegde began by explaining the concept of offbeat tourism. He highlighted how it differs from conventional tourism, focusing on unique and lesser-known destinations and experiences. Mr. Varun discussed various career options within offbeat tourism, including travel blogging, adventure tourism, and cultural immersion programs. He stressed the importance of aligning one’s passion with career choices in this sector. A significant portion of the presentation was dedicated to sustainable tourism practices and their role in preserving fragile ecosystems and local cultures of Goa.

The guest lecture concluded with a Q&A session, where participants enthusiastically put forward their questions and queries to the speaker, which further enriched their knowledge.

60 students attended the session.It is hoped that this seminar will encourage more students to explore offbeat tourism as a fulfilling and rewarding career path.

Mr. Pratham Borkar proposed the Vote of Thanks to express gratitude to Mr. Varun Hegde for sharing his valuable time and expertise to all the students which adjourned at 12:15 p.m. This initiative aligns with the College’s commitment to holistic education and preparing students for diverse career opportunities.
