During her sessions, Ms. Priyanka Row conscientiously covered a range of topics including the art and elements of first impression, how to write a good CV, skills necessary to stand out during an interview, high performance communication, power of body language, types of body postures while sitting and standing – which ones to adopt and which to avoid, types of handshakes, importance of elevator pitch, types of clothes, shoes, perfume to be perfect on the day of the interview, art of departing and most importantly how to confidently answer an interview. She meticulously conducted several exercises throughout the training session which kept the participants attentive and involved. She focused on situations in which candidates may find themselves during an interview and stressed the importance of the approach that a candidate takes to tackle the situation. She concluded her sessions with an array of important and bonus tips which will undoubtedly be beneficial to the students once they enter the job market.
Ms. Row addressed the questions posed to her during and at the end of her session. 196 students across all programmes virtually attended the programme via Zoom.
The programme conducted by Ms. Row was enlightening, valuable and enriching for all the participants.