BCA Industrial Tour to Bengaluru

The Computer Science Department of the College organized a 3-day Industrial Tour to Bengaluru from December 18th to 20th, 2018 for 33 students accompanied by four staff members. The group left from Margao station by train on the night of 17th December and arrived at Bengaluru at 12:30pm on 18th. Transit to various places by bus and stay at the Royal Residency Hotel in Seshadripuram had been very well organized.

First Day: 18th December

IMG_20181220_111409_2On the first day i.e. 18th December, the team visited a company named ZEROZILLA located at SwastikManandi Arcade, Sheshadripuram. A session was arranged there, wherein Ms. Neha Rathore, who is also their soft skill trainer introduced the company profile. ZEROZILLA is amongst the leading web, s/w development, digital marketing and mobile app developing companies across the globe. The different categories of services they provide are: Web design, Web app development, S/W development, Digital marketing, Web hosting, E-commerce and Mobile app development. She also enlightened the students about personality development, wherein she spoke about ABC (Appearance, Body Language, Communication) aspects of personality that are necessary to become part of the corporate sector. After her presentation, Ms. Tungam gave a presentation about the basics of Digital Marketing. Meanwhile, faculty members Ms. Ekta Agarwal, Mr. Sunil Naik and Mr. GajananNial had a separate interaction with Mr. Sunil, Manager E-Mudra division, who answered their queries related to e-certificates and its present scenario of acceptability by various agencies. After these two sessions, the team returned to the hotel and visited the Mantri Square Mall for the evening.

Second Day: 19th December

On 19th, we visited the STPI(Software Technology Parks of India), located in the heart of Electronic City. A brief introduction was given by Mr. Shailendra Kumar Tyagi, the Director of the STPI, Bangalore Branch. Students got an opportunity to see the Incubation Center. The main function of STPI is to provide management and consultancy services both at national and international level in the areas of expertise. Networking services are provided to all IT companies which are present in the IT Park.

At around 1 pm, we reached CDAC (Center of Development of Advance Computing). Ms Ranjana delivered a seminar where she spoke about Internet Engineering Task Force of which CDAC is a promoter and contributer. She also spoke about Internet standard development, Internet Engineering Task force, ISOC, ICANN, etc. The students were also made aware about the post graduation courses provided by CDAC like DAC(Diploma of Advanced Computing) and Computer Security. The seminar ended with an audio visual presentation on Symmetric and Asymmetric key cryptography which are industry standards in use for security of information and communication over any network.

Third Day: 20th December

On 20th we visited Novatech Robotics Pvt. Ltd., a company that specializes in robotics. It was a day long visit with a hands-on workshop for which the students received certificates for making their own robots. At the introductory session, the team was made familiar with basics of robotics. For better learning experience, we were separated into two different groups, wherein Group 1 was sent to learn about robotics and Group 2 was sent to learn electronics within robotics.

Robotics session was quite an interesting and interactive session where students were further made to form groups of four and were assigned a dedicated mentor to perform tasks such as creating a working car with Lego components and other components like Nova bricks, motors and sensors. Participants used different sensors like IR sensor and ultra-sonic sensors. Students were also given a proper instruction manual following which they were supposed to create a basic working car. The dedicated mentors helped in each and every step right from getting the required parts for the car till programming the working of the car. By the end of the Robotics session students in groups developed a moving car with sensors which could detect obstacles and avoid them. Electronics session was a well-organized session which was quite interesting where participants learned to make a working car out of different CPU parts, wheels, motors, sensors etc. Later they were taught to initialize the working of the car using a software called Adriano. With the help of the assigned guides, students made an actual working prototype which could detect obstacles and avoid them.

After the robot prototypes were ready, the Company organized a robot battle for the robots designed by the students. This was really a wonderful experience for all participants.

On the whole, students got exposure and learned a great deal about current cutting edge technologies that are being used by software industries. They also got equipped for an upcoming technology like Robotics where all other software and hardware technologies are going to eventually mIMG-20181222-WA0031erge, potentially solving many challenging problems. During all these various company visits the accompanying faculty members had separate special meetings with their heads of organizations, discussed and explored possibilities of partnering with those organizations for impartation of knowledge and skills that would make BCA students prepared for the ever-changing technological advancements and make they ready for employment or inspire them to become innovators. Students expressed their gratitude toward the College and the department for organizing such an exciting and yet learning experience. The team returned to Margao by train and arrived on 21st December at 1:30pm.
