Badminton, Table tennis and Chess tournament 19-20

The Department of Physical Education and Sports of Shree Damodar College of Commerce & Economics conducted Badminton, Table Tennis and Chess Men and Women Intramural on 1st 2nd and 3rd July 2019 at multipurpose hall.

A total of 17 Men and 4 Women In Badminton, 10 Men In Table Tennis and 12 Men and 3 Women in Chess participated in this tournament.

Tournament played in knock out format, at the beginning of the tournament fixtures were taken and players were played according to the fixtures drawn.

Following players are the winners of the competition

Badminton men’s Badminton women’s Table Tennis Chess
Mr. Yash Kunkalienkar-Gold Ms. Emilia Silveira-Gold Mr. Manthan Khutkar-Gold Mr. Dhiraj Mehta-Gold
Mr. Sahil Oman Kuttan-Silver Ms. Racheal Raposa-Silver Mr. Sanket Naik


Mr. Akash Kumar-Silver
Mr. Kiefer Jacques-Bronze Ms. Amisha Lotlikar-Bronze Mr. Rishand Bhat-Bronze Mr. Nausabh Mulla Bronze

