OA-23.3.1 Evaluation Scheme
(i) The Skill component of the course will be assessed and certified by the respective Sector Skill Councils. In case, there is no Sector Skill Council for a specific trade, the assessment may be done by an allied Sector Council or the Industry partner. The certifying bodies may comply with and obtain accreditation from the National Accreditation Board for Certification Bodies (NABCB) set up under Quality Council of India (QCI). Wherever the university/college may deem fit, it may issue a joint certificate for the course(s) with the respective Sector Skill Council(s).
(ii) The credits for the skill component will be awarded in terms of NSQF level certification which will have 60% weightage of total credits of the course in following manner.
(iii) The general education component will be assessed by the University/college as per OC-66.
Eligibility to appear for SEA (OA-23.3.2 )
A student registered in a Semester for any Course, shall be required to have a minimum cumulative attendance of 75% of the total lectures and practicals prescribed for the Programme during that Semester. However, a student shall be required to have a minimum of 50% attendance in any individual Course.
Grading System (OA-23.3.4)
(i) Letter Grades and Grade Points:
There shall be a Grading System with GPA for individual Courses in each of the Programmes as per the following UGC recommended 10-point grading system:
Range of percentage scored | Letter Grade Grade
85 -100 | O (Outstanding) | 10 |
75 – < 85 | A+ (Excellent) | 9 |
65 – < 75 | A (Very Good) | 8 |
55 – < 65 | B+ (Good) | 7 |
50 – < 55 | B (Above Average) | 6 |
45 – < 50 | C (Average) | 5 |
40 – < 45 | P (Pass) | 4 |
0 – < 40 | F(Fail) | 0 |
Ab (Absent) | 0 |
A student obtaining Grade F shall be considered failed and will be required to reappear in the examination.
(ii) Computation of SGPA and CGPA:
The procedure to compute the Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) and Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) shall be as follows:
- The SGPA is the ratio of sum of the product of the number of credits with the grade points scored by a student in all the course components taken by a student and the sum of the number of credits of all the courses undergone by a student, i.e.
SGPA (Si) = Σ(Ci x Gi) / ΣCi
where ‘Ci’ is the number of credits of the ith course component and ‘Gi’ is the grade point scored by the student in the ith course component.
- The CGPA is also calculated in the same manner taking into account all the courses undergone by a student over all the semesters of a programme, i.e.
CGPA = Σ(Ci x Si) / Σ Ci
where ‘Si’ is the SGPA of the ith semester and ‘Ci’ is the total number of credits in that semester.
- The SGPA and CGPA shall be rounded off to 2 decimal points and reported in the transcripts.
(iii) Final Letter Grade
The SGPA/CGPA shall be converted to the Final Grade, as shown in the table below:
CGPA | Letter Grade |
9.5 – 10 | O (Outstanding) |
8.5 – < 9.5 | A+ (Excellent) |
7.5 – < 8.5 | A (Very Good) |
6.5 – < 7.5 | B+ (Good) |
5.5 – < 6.5 | B (Above Average) |
4.5 – < 5.5 | C (Average) |
4 – < 4.5 | P (Pass) |
Repeat Examinations for general component (OA-23.3.5)
(i) In case a student fails in the SEA, or fails to appear in the SEA alone, he/she shall be given the opportunity to appear at a Supplementary SEA (SSEA) to be conducted after a period of two weeks from the date of declaration of results.
(ii) In case a student fails in the SEA/SSEA, he/she shall have the option to repeat the course
(iii) A student shall be required to successfully complete a Programme within twice the duration for that particular Programme, failing which he/she shall have to discontinue the Programme, or re-register for the Programme. For this purpose each level will be considered as a separate programme.
Entitlement Marks: (OA-23.3.6 -Effective from 21st May, 2020)
i) Entitlement/Grace Marks shall be as per Ordinance OA-26.
ii) These Entitlement/Grace marks shall be applicable only to the General Educationcomponent at every semester.
Verification and Revaluation (OA-23.4)
Verification and Revaluation shall be permitted only in case of Written Papers of general component as per the provisions of OA-5.15.