Awareness Session on “Sexual Harassment at Workplace: A Hostile Work Environment”

The Internal Committee of the College conducted an awareness session on “Sexual Harassment at workplace: A hostile work environment” for all First-year students and newly appointed teachers on 06th October 2023 at 09:00 a.m. The session aimed to raise awareness about the issue of sexual harassment at workplace, educating students about their rights and providing insights into creating a safe and inclusive work environment.

The Resource Person for the session was Ms. Muriel Fernandes- Practicing Advocate. Ms. Muriel Fernandes introduced herself and highlighted the importance of addressing issue of workplace harassment. She expressed that sexual harassment, encompasses various forms such as verbal, physical, and visual harassment and shared real-life examples to illustrate the concept. Ms. Fernandes shed light on the legal framework in India regarding sexual harassment, focusing on the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal) Act, 2013.

Ms. Muriel discussed the consequences of sexual harassment at the workplace and the redressal mechanisms available to victims. She also emphasized the significance of reporting genuine cases and consequences of misusing this law by reporting fake cases.

The guest lecture concluded with a Q&A session, where students put forward their questions and queries to the speaker, which further enriched their knowledge. 124 students and staff attended the session. Ms. Saloni Verlekar of FY BBA(FS) proposed the Vote of Thanks at the end of the session.
