Awareness Session on Pearson Digital Library

The Department of Library & Information Science in collaboration with IQAC, Research Development & Innovation Cell and Faculty Development Cell of the College organized an awareness session on Pearson Digital Library for all the faculty members of the College on 30th November 2022 from 12:45 p.m to 1:15 p.m in the Reading Room.

Vice-Principal Dr. Edwin Barreto, welcomed the Resource Person Mr. Priyank Vyas, Sr. Territory Manager, Pune & Goa. Ms. Manasi Rege gave a brief introduction of the Resource Person.

Mr. Vyas commenced the session by expressing gratitude towards the Institution for subscribing to Pearson Digital library. He then played the video of the e-library and its features to the faculty members

He demonstrated the features of creating notes, bookmark, downloading the created notes, adding of hyperlink in the text, adding voice note feature etc. He also informed that the e-library is multi device friendly and hence a student or a teacher can get the content last read continued on any device that is being used.

The awareness session was very helpful as the faculty members can inform students about the resource available and help them make the best use of it.

The session was coordinated by Ms. Manasi Rege, Dr. Lina Sadekar, Dr. Maithili Naik and Ms. Swati Bhat. A total of 56 participants attended the same. The session was compered by Mr. Shreyas Desai who also proposed the Vote of Thanks at the end of the session.
