Awareness Session on “Empowering Consumers: Know Your Rights”

The Consumer Cell in collaboration with the NSS unit organized a session on “Empowering Consumers: Know Your Rights.” The session took place from 12:15 to 1:15 pm in Hall no. 2 on 15th September 2023. The objective of the session was to educate and inform the students about consumer rights, responsibilities, and the mechanisms available for grievance redressal. The Resource Person for the session was Mr. Roland Martins, Coordinator, GOACAN.

The Resource Person explained the fundamental rights and protections available to consumers, emphasizing the right to safety, right to information, right to choose, right to be heard, and right to redressal. Mr. Martins also detailed the processes available for addressing grievances and seeking compensation through consumer courts. He highlighted real-life case studies to illustrate the relevance of consumer protection laws and shared insightful tips on responsible consumer behaviour. The interactive nature of the session encouraged students to ask questions and engage in discussions. Ms. Tanisha Naik, a student from TY B.Com was the compere for the session and the Vote of Thanks was proposed by Ms. Ruby Mahato a student of SY B.Com.

56 B.Com students attended the session.
