Author: masteradmin

Session on “Leadership Skills”

As part of the Certificate Course in Life Skills, an online session on Leadership Skills was organized for the students of FY B.Com C and D divisions through the Google Meet platform. The session began at 12:00 pm and was attended by 57 students from both the divisions. Asst. Professor Ms. Marjina Shaikh was the […]

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Online Quiz on Mutual Fund Investment

The BBA(FS) Department organised an Online quiz on the topic “Mutual Fund Investments”. The quiz was uploaded on the College website on 19th October 2020 and the link was kept open till 28th October   2020. The quiz aimed at giving students and the general public an opportunity to assess their knowledge with regards to Mutual […]

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Webinar on “Awareness Program on e-Resources of NDLI (National Digital Library of India)”

The Library & Information Centre and Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) in collaboration with IIT, Kharagpur, West Bengal organized a National Level Webinar on Awareness Program on e-Resources of NDLI (National Digital Library of India) for students, librarians and faculty members from Colleges all over the country on October 19, 2020 from 12.00 – 1.30 […]

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‘Corporate Troupers’ – Investor’s Hub Activity

The BBA(Financial Services) Department organised the ‘Corporate Troupers’ competition under the Investors’ Hub  on 17th October, 2020 through Google Meet. The competition was open to all BBA(FS) students. 31 students participated in the competition. The students had to create a video on any one of the given themes viz. ‘Product/Company Promotion’, ‘Award Winning Employee’ and […]

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E-Quiz on “Consumer Protection Act”

The Consumer Cell designed an online Quiz for students on the “Consumer Protection Act”. Ms. Marjina Shaikh, Assistant Professor in Commerce was the Quiz coordinator. It was available for the students from 17th to 25th October 2020. The main objective of the quiz was to create awareness about the various consumer rights available under the […]

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