Attended a Lecture on “Leading a Balanced and Joyous Life through Yoga and Meditation”

Thirteen students and three faculty members from BBA(Financial Services) Department and one faculty member from B.Com. Department of VVM’s Shree Damodar College of Commerce and Economics, Margao attended a lecture on the topic “Leading a Balanced and Joyous Life through Yoga and Meditation” at 12th D. D. Kosambi Festival of Ideas 2019 organized by the Directorate of Art and Culture, Government of Goa on 23.01.2019 at Kala Academy, Panaji.

The lecture was delivered by Swami Smaranananda Giri, General Secretary of Yogada Satsanga Society of India. The society renders spiritual, humanitarian and charitable services and disseminates the Kriya Yoga teachings of Yoganandaji for the all-round development of man. Swamiji provided profound insights on meditation and yoga.  He eloquently explained the importance, the efficacy and the science of meditation. Swamiji touched several key aspects during his lecture, like Upanishadas, sadhana, satsang, etc. He also briefly touched upon “Autobiography of a Yogi”, authored by Paramhansa Yoganandaji.

The second half of the lecture was the interaction session with Swamiji. Mr. Laxmish Shetkar, student of FYBBA(FS)-B participated in this session by asking questions to which Swamiji replied elaborately and effectively. The session ended with a meditation technique and National Anthem. Students expressed their experience as very enriching and enlightening and appreciated the initiative of the Department for providing students such an exposure.
