Alumni Reconnect Series-4 ‘Practical Aspects of Corporate Valuation’

The PG Department of Commerce in collaboration with the Alumni Engagement Cell organized Alumni Reconnect Series-4 on the topic ‘Practical Aspects of Corporate Valuation’ on 12th November 2022. The Resource Person for the session was CA. Pankaj Pai Kakode, Founder and Director at Kakode Consultants Pvt. Ltd.

The main objective of the session was to provide practical insights into Corporate Valuation. Ms. Twinkle Fernandes, Teacher In-charge welcomed the audience and gave a brief overview of the importance of the session. Ms. Leandra Antao from M. Com-II introduced the Resource Person.

  1. Pankaj Pai Kakode commenced the session with an introduction to Corporate Valuation. Thereafter, he explained the difference between Value and Price, he also explained why there is a need for valuation and where valuation is most important. He informed that Valuation is used in Capital Budgeting, Litigation, Investment, Mergers and Acquisitions.
  2. Pankaj discussed the Facebook vs. WhatsApp Deal, wherein he mentioned to the students how Facebook bought WhatsApp for USD 19 million in 2014because the user base of WhatsApp was more than 2 billion users outside US; besides this WhatsApp also had a technological edge over Facebook which Facebook feared. He further discussed the Zomato and ADONMO acquisition in 2021 wherein Zomato acquired 19.4% stake for Rs.112 crore.
  3. Kakode further explained about the application of valuation approaches for Valuation of Bonds and Derivatives.

The session was very informative and helped the students in understanding the various practicalities of Corporate Valuation. Students raised various queries, which the Resource Person answered. The session ended at 12:30 p.m. and Ms. Neebha Ghodge from M.Com-II proposed the Vote of Thanks. 61 M.Com students attended the session along with the Vice Principal and faculty members from the M.Com Department and the Alumni Engagement Cell.
