Activity ‘Keeping Fit at Work’

The Counseling Cell organised an activity ‘Keeping Fit at Work’ for all the SDCCE staff members on 16th October, 2020 from 12:45to1:20pm at Ganesh Daivajna Auditorium. The College Counselor, Ms. Amba Prabhu, explained the need to incorporate simple and short physical and mental exercises in our daily routines.

She went on to demonstrate a few exercises and requested the staff to do the exercises along with her. She focused on the neck, shoulders, back, arms and legs which are the areas with highest risk of getting affected due to sitting for a longer duration of time. These exercises would release the kinks in the muscles and relax them, and also rejuvenate the individual.

She also demonstrated mindfulness techniques that the staff members can practice, especially when dealing with work stress and the pressure of the deadlines. A total of 45 staff members attended the activity.
