Industry Interaction Program

The PostGraduate Department of Commerce organised an Industry Interaction Program on 14th March 2020, at 10:15 am. The main objective of the guest lecture was to make students aware of the importance of having proper posture at workplace, the importance of using the right chair and understanding ‘Deskercise’. A total of 54 students attended the program.

The Resource Person Dr. Ronita R Ajgaonkar began the session with a brief introduction on Desk Ergonomics where she explained the importance of having a good posture. She explained work-related musculoskeletal disorders that result from conditions in the workplace environment or the performance of work tasks and the causes of the disorders like prolonged sitting or standing in the same position.  Awkward or static postures were also discussed. Further she explained how to have a good posture at the work place.  She explained the term ergonomics – designing workstations and tools to reduce work-related musculoskeletal disorders. She explained what should be the correct height, depth, width of the chair, also that the lumbar back support and armrest for the chair is important. Also, the distance from and height of the monitor was discussed. At the end of the session, she explained the concept and benefits of Deskercise.

The session ended with demonstration of different stretches that can be performed at the work place, which could alleviate pain and calm nerves. Dr. Ajgaonkar ended the session with a quote, ‘Work harder, work smarter and after today, work being little fitter.’
