Primary Data Analysis Workshop

The Post Graduate Department of Commerce organized a Primary Data Analysis Workshop for students on 29th February 2020 from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. The main objective of the workshop was to provide the students with a hands-on training about using tools and techniques of Primary Data Analysis for research work. A total of 50 students participated in this workshop.


The Resource Person Mr. Kaustubh Kamat began the session by discussing the fundamentals of Data Analysis and the difference between Data Analysis and Statistics. He stressed on the point that sample should be an accurate representation of the population, which is very important for the research work to progress. While selecting the sample, one must understand the requirement of sample unit, sample size and sampling technique.

He stressed on some of the important aspects of primary data which are as follows:

  • Normality of Data
  • Confidence Interval and Confidence Level
  • Hypothesis

The collected data can be Parametric or non-parametric. Depending on this one must appropriately select the tools that will be used for verifying the hypothesis. Mr. Kamat also taught students how to enter data in SPSS and use the software for various calculations by using test files. The session ended with a Vote of Thanks by Ms. Assmita Corrgaonkar, student of M.Com Part II (BM).
