Industry Interaction Program

The Post Graduate Department of Commerce organized an Industry Interaction Program (IIP) on 26th February, 2020 from 11:00 – 1:00 pm.

The Resource Person for the IIP was Mr. Abhijit Sawant. He began his session by describing his life journey and gave an account of how in spite of difficult circumstances, he has achieved success. During his college days, he was selected to participate in the Republic Day Camp as an NCC cadet. Being selected out of thousands of students boosted his morale. He spoke about his career path and his success in life.

Mr. Sawant briefed the students about MLM i.e. Multi-Level Marketing, where one does not have to appoint a distributor. MLM eliminates the agent and the wholesaler and the transaction takes place directly between the firm and the consumer.

Mr. Sawant advised the students to make maximum use of their time in productive activities. He urged the students to set a goal in life.  One of his best motivators is Mr. Shiv Khera, author of ‘You can win’’ and ‘Eight habits of successful people’. He used several stories and anecdotes as a reference to motivate the students.

Later he asked the students to ponder over the 4 C’s i.e. creation of income, consumption of income, continuation of income and conservation of income. The most important point on which we need to focus is continuation of income. He advises that one can invest money in various investment avenues. The session ended with a motivational song.
