Half-Day workshop on “Graphic Designing & Animation”

The Department of Computer Science organized a half-day workshop on “Graphic Designing & Animation” on 15th February, 2020. Ms. Namita Neurenkar introduced the Resource Person Mr. Roshan Raykar, a BCA graduate and Founder, School of Passion.

Mr. Raykar asked the students a set of questions, to enable them to identify their Passion. He shared his example as to how his passion made him successful in his career. Before starting the session he made students realize that, TIME is valuable and therefore he introduced his success story to them so that they realize that they are investing their time which will add value to their life.

Mr. Roshan then spoke about the opportunities available to students to make a good career in Graphic Designing/Animation. He mentioned various fields and projects which are greatly in demand.  Graphic designers & Animators are offered high pay packets.

He then moved to a demonstration of softwares used in Graphic designing. He showed students how to create Graphic designed CV’s so as to be different from the rest. He also created cartoons using Software.

Mr. Roshan ignited a spark in students to think about changing their passion into a bright career so that they will be rewarded with work satisfaction which will bring happiness along with high monetary rewards as there are several opportunities for entrepreneurs in IT.

30 FYBCA, 20 SYBCA, and 1 FYBVOC student benefited from the Workshop. The Vote of Thanks was proposed by Ms. Namita Neurenkar.
