Business Management Organizational Behavior ISA III

The Post Graduate Department of Commerce organized Business Management Organizational Behavior ISA III on 9th February, 2020 at FATMA AASRA Orphanage Home, Benaulim. The main aim was to enable the students to learn to work as a group/organization and to achieve individual fulfillment and success as a team.

The students were assigned to visit an orphanage and conduct an activity for the children residing at the institution.

The process involved in organizing the activity was as follows:

  1. Planning an estimated date and time
  2. Approaching the administrators of the institute for permissions
  3. Agreeing upon a date suitable to both parties
  4. Deciding what activities to conduct
  5. Deciding upon a sequence of activities
  6. Organizing finances and food arrangements
  7. Finalizing and refining all plans


Each student was required to undertake certain tasks in order to conduct activities; the students were entirely responsible for coming up with ideas and themes.

The theme decided upon was First Aid and Safety, as it could be educational and beneficial to the young students.

The activities conducted were as follows;

  1. Introduction and initial engagement among M.Com students and the children
  2. Three different games, conducted between events.
  3. Display and explanation of a chart featuring public safety/emergency phone numbers
  4. Spot prizes for answering questions on general knowledge and first aid/safety
  5. A performance enacting different types of injuries and demonstrating the first aid measures to be taken and also explaining what should not be done.

The timing for the event was 11:00a.m. The students were able to conduct all the planned activities within the given time, and with encouraging response from the children.

The main learning outcomes of the activity were as follows

  1. Learning to organize themselves into a group
  2. Planning and organizing skills
  3. Learning how to work together with different ideas
  4. Decision-making and leadership skills
  5. Instilling creativity and innovation
  6. Conflict management
  7. Time management

In addition to the education-based results of the activity the students also gained some emotional and empathetic intelligence, learning the satisfaction of giving back to society and educating and bringing joy to those in need.

The teacher in charge was Ms. Sheryl Da Silva. A total of eight students participated for the same. The students not only gained practical knowledge of the subject, but also had a holistic learning experience.
