Tech Quizzards

“TechTrendz” -the Technology Club of the Department of Computer Science organized Tech Quizzards- an Inter-class Competition comprising of 3 rounds of Technical Quiz on 1st February 2020 from11:30 am to 1.30 pm in Lab3. The organizing team comprised of Mr. Shaunak Bale and Ms. Caph Dias. A total of 5 teams comprising 10 students participated in the competition. The faculty members incharge of the event were Ms. Akshada Hegde & Ms. Namita Neurenkar.

Participants were required to participate individually or in a team of two members. Each team had its supporters in the audience, who were allowed to help their teams up to Round two.

1st Round: Safe Zone(General Information Technology)

Each Team had to answer four questions. Teams giving correct answers were awarded ten points. The round did not have negative marking. Also questions could not be passed.

2nd Round: Blue Zone(Identifying Logos)

The teams were required to identify the logos projected on the screen. 15 questions were posed to the teams in the order in which they were seated. Questions could be passed to the next team in line in case the teams were unwilling to answer. Correct answers were awarded 20 points and wrong answers were given a -10.

3rd Round: Red Zone(Rapid Fire)

The teams were asked twenty questions in the order in which they were seated. Questions could be passed to the next team in line in case the team was unwilling to answer. Correct answers were awarded 30 points and wrong answers were given a -30.At the end of the 3rd Round, the scores were totaled. Mr. Shaunak Bale was the Quiz Master and Ms. Caph Dias kept track of the scoreboard.

The winners of Tech Quizzards are as follows:

1st Place   Dazly Gonsalves& Jester Figueiredo from SYBCA,

2ndPlace  Smruti Kudnekar and Saidutt Naik from FYB.Voc.& FYBCA respectively

3rdPlace   Komal Devkar & Mark Dourado from TYBCA
