Survey on Waste Management Practices

The NSS Unit conducted a survey of 52 households in Benaulim from 27th to 31st January 2020 to understand the waste management practices followed by the villagers, after which they prepared and submitted a report of the same. The volunteers attempted to find out whether the residents segregate their household waste and the measures adopted to dispose it.

They found that

  • Almost 90% of the residents are segregating their waste.
  • Dry waste is picked up by the Panchayat once a week in 3 wards and on a daily basis in 1 ward.
  • Majority of the residents are managing the wet waste themselves.
  • The vegetable waste is used as manure/fertilizer for plants, whereas the food waste is used to feed the pets.
  • Many others are either dumping the waste at the road sides or burning it.

A few residents expressed interest in learning how to compost waste. The students also impressed upon them the need to dispose waste responsibly.

A total of 19 volunteers participated in the survey, which was a good, practical learning experience for them.
