Study Tour to Hyderabad

The Postgraduate Department of Commerce organized an educational tour to Hyderabad from 26th to 30th November, 2019. The tour group included 29 students and 2 faculty members, Ms. Sheryl Da Silva and Ms. Seema Dharani.

Visit to Kwality Electronics Industries
Kwality is the first Indian firm to set up LED manufacturing in the country and has the highest market share in the LED lighting business compared to all the other domestic companies. Established in 1966, the company is a quality manufacturer of LED lamps and LED displays.The students were addressed byan employee of the company, whoalso showed them how the LED pins aremanufactured. The students witnessed the entire manufacturing process. Next, the students were taken to a lab, where the LED lights were tested.The visit was a very interesting one.
Visit to HMT Machine Tools
The objective of the visit was to show the students how the Company offers a wide array of high technology machine tools and solutions to cater to every manufacturing requirement. Mr. B.V.S.S Prasad, General Technical Manager, took the group for a visit to all the manufacturing units spread over the HMT Township.Mr. Prasadelaborated in great detail about the functioning and usage of each machine. He informed the students that the projects undertaken run into Rs 20 crores or more. He also informed that the Chandrayan base part was manufactured by HMT.
Visit to Coca Cola Beverages Pvt. Ltd.
Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages Pvt.Ltd offers a wide range of drinks manufactured in adherence to hygiene and quality standards.The purpose of the visit was to understand the bottling and concentrate dilution process and witness the stringent Quality Control measures and Total Quality Management system. The visit began with an introductory video presentation, where students were informed about the entire process of manufacturing, bottling and the necessary safety measures undertaken to maintain the quality control standards set by the company.The Resource Person gave students a brief introduction about the company. He then accompanied them on the campus visit and explained every step involved in processing of beverages andpackaging of the bottles.

Visit to Ramoji Film City
The students visited Ramoji Film City on the last day of the tour. It is a famous tourist destination in Hyderabad and holds the Guinness World Book Record for being home to more than 50 well-equipped film sets at a single location.
